Style for the Higher School of Sanogenic Correctional Pedagogy
The Higher School of Sanogenic Pedagogy is a follower of the ideas of the Russian and Soviet behavioral scientific schools, based on natural science knowledge about a person.
Style for the Higher School of Sanogenic Correctional Pedagogy

The Higher School of Sanogenic Pedagogy is a follower of the ideas of the Russian and Soviet behavioral scientific schools, based on natural science knowledge about a person.
To create a formal style that reflects the scope of the school's scientific activity, but at the same time will look modern.
Few people know what "sanogenic" means, and often the inhabitants automatically categorized it as esoteric and psychology.

But the school is based on a scientific approach, in which there is nothing magical or questionable. Therefore, the sign should be as strict as possible, without a single hint of esotericism.
Crystal white and deep black - like two truths that cannot be violated. A dot that sums up previous experience and lines that symbolize a new path, with new knowledge.
The color palette is limited to white and black only. A sketch of the design of the audience was proposed.
Options for branding on various media.
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